Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2011
Tom Sawyer / Huck Finn
Die Welt ist ein Stückchen besser geworden:
One of America's greatest authors, Samuel Clements, aka, Mark Twain, has now had two of his greatest works, "Huck Finn" and "Tom Sawyer" revised into a new combined edition, Mark Twain's The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer And Huckelberry Finn, courtesy of one Mr. Mark Gribben and New South Books of Alabama. The new version no longer will contain the dreaded N-word, nor will it contain the words "injun" or "half-breed." Readers of the two literary masterpieces will now be brought into the 21st century of political correctness and shown the proper way to describe the three aforementioned words in Twain's text. The N-word will now be referred to as slave, the word "injun" shall be Indian, and "half-breed" will be half-blood. Now, doesn't that sound better?
Jetzt, da das böse Word "Nigger" fast ausgerottet ist, können wir doch alle etwas ruhiger schlafen. Gute Nacht.

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