Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010
Vergewaltigung II
Schon vor 5 Jahren hatte sich dieses Blog mit dem Tatbestand der Vergewaltigung auseinandergesetzt und dabei gelernt, dass § 177 StGB nicht zwingend die "Penetration" der Frau voraussetzt, sondern auch die sexuelle Nötigung umfasst.

Der Blick ins Gesetz wird wieder nötig, wenn man jetzt liest, was Julian Assange als Vergewaltigung vorgeworden wird:

Es geht um Sex, der im Wesentlichen einvernehmlich war, und um 2 Frauen:

1. Zunächst verabredet er mit einer Sarah, dass er deren Wohnung während ihrer Abwesenheit bei einer Vertragsreise benutzen darf.
.. The following afternoon, Sarah returned to Stockholm, 24 hours earlier than planned.
In an interview she later gave to police, she is reported to have said: ‘He (Assange) was there when I came home. We talked a little and decided that he could stay.’
The pair went out for dinner together at a nearby restaurant. Afterwards they returned to her flat and had sex. What is not disputed by either of them is
that a condom broke — an event which, as we shall see, would later take on great significance.

At the time, however, the pair ­continued to be friendly enough the next day, a Saturday, with Sarah even throwing a party for him at her home in the evening.
(Quelle: Daily Mail)
Während des Seminarvortrags lernt Assange eine weitere Frau "jessica" kennen, vielleicht legt sie es auch darauf an, ihn kennenzulernen. Sie begleitet ihn zu einem Mittagessen mit Freunden. Später feiert Assange bei einer Party bei "Sarah", simst aber auch noch mit "Jessica" und verabredet ein Treffen am folgenden Tag.
So it was that on the Monday, Jessica called Assange and they arranged to get together in Stockholm. When they did meet they agreed to go to her home in Enkoping, but he had no money for a train ticket and said he didn’t want to use a credit card because he would be ‘tracked’ (presumably, as he saw it, by the CIA or other agencies).
So Jessica bought both their tickets.
She had snagged perhaps the world’s most famous activist, and after they arrived at her apartment they had sex. According to her testimony to police, Assange wore a condom. The following morning they made love again. This time he used no protection.
Jessica reportedly said later that she was upset that he had refused when she asked him to wear a condom.
(Quelle: Daily Mail)
Und dann nimmt das Unheil seinen Lauf - "Jessica" macht sich Sorgen wegen des ungeschützten Sex und ruft an, ausgerechnet bei "Sarah". Nehmen wir ruhig mal an, dass sie weiß, dass Assange bei "Sarah" wohnt.
Jessica was worried she could have caught a sexual disease, or even be pregnant: and this is where the story takes an intriguing turn. She then decided to phone Sarah — whom she had met at the ­seminar, and with whom Assange had been staying — and apparently confided to her that she’d had unprotected sex with him.
At that point, Sarah said that she, too, had slept with him.

How must Sarah have felt to ­discover that the man she’d taken to her bed three days before had already taken up with another woman? ­Furious? Jealous? Out for revenge? Perhaps she merely felt aggrieved for a fellow woman in distress.
Having taken stock of their options for a day or so, on Friday, August 20, Sarah and Jessica took drastic action.
They went together to a Stockholm police station where they said they were seeking advice on how to proceed with a complaint by Jessica against Assange.
According to one source, Jessica wanted to know if it was possible to force Assange to undergo an HIV test. Sarah, the seasoned feminist warrior, said she was there merely to support Jessica. But she also gave police an account of what had happened between herself and Assange a week before.
The female interviewing officer, presumably because of allegations of a sabotaged condom in one case and a refusal to wear one in the ­second, concluded that both women were victims: that ­Jessica had been raped, and Sarah subject to sexual molestation.

(Quelle: Daily Mail)
Das reicht für eine echte Verschwörung ("Sarah" soll bei einer C'IA-finanzierten Exilorganisation von Kubanern mitarbeiten) nicht wirklich.

Aber für den Tatbestand der Vergewaltigung braucht man mehr als ein geplatztes Kondom und mehr als ungeschützter Sex. Aus der Ferne sieht das aus, als habe da der schwedische Justizapparat überreagiert. Erst erlässt er einen Haftbefehlt, dann hebt er ihn wieder auf. Und dann kriegt der Fall noch einen neuen Dreh durch einen Anwalt, der sich für eine Ausdehnung des Tatbestands der Vergewaltigung stark macht.
But the case was now starting to spin out of control.
Sarah next spoke to a newspaper, saying: ‘In both cases, the sex had been consensual from the start but had eventually turned into abuse.’
Rejecting accusations of an international plot to trap Assange, she added: ‘The accusations were not set up by the Pentagon or anybody else. The responsibility for what happened to me and the other girl lies with a man with a twisted view of women, who has a problem accepting the word “no”.’
The two women then instructed Claes Borgstrom, a so-called ‘gender lawyer’ who is a leading supporter of a campaign to extend the legal ­definition of rape to help bring more rapists to justice.
As a result, in September the case was reopened by the authorities, and last month Interpol said Assange was wanted for ‘sex crimes’.
(Quelle: Daily Mail
Das mit Cablegate verursachte Aufsehen tut dann sein Übriges, um die Sache so richtig in Schwung zu bringen. Also wieder ein Haftbefehl. Jetzt spätestens wird die Sache politisch. Dabei hat sie alle Zutaten dafür, dass es schlicht um den Ärger von ein oder zwei Frauen geht.
Bezeichnend ist ein inzwischen wohl aus dem Netz entferntes Statement von "Sarah":
Earlier this year, Sarah is reported to have posted a telling entry on her website, which she has since removed. But a copy has been retrieved and widely circulated on the internet.
Entitled ‘7 Steps to Legal Revenge’, it explains how women can use courts to get their own back on unfaithful lovers.
Step 7 says: ‘Go to it and keep your goal in sight. Make sure your victim suffers just as you did.’ ...
(Quelle: Daily Mail)
Man darf gespannt sein, ob es zu einem Verfahren kommt und was dabei heraus kommt.

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