Mittwoch, 23. November 2016
das Phänomen "Trump"
varzil, 10:19h
Nach etlichen Beiträgen, die meist nur Kopfschütteln über den Wahlausgang in den USA enthielten, gibt es hier einen Gedanken aus der Zeit vor der Wahl:
The press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.Oder auf der zwischenmenschlichen Ebene:
(Quelle: Salena Zito in The Atlantic am 23.09.2016)
The 70-year-old Republican nominee took his time walking from the green room toward the stage. He stopped to chat with the waiters, service workers, police officers, and other convention staffers facilitating the event. There were no selfies, no glad-handing for votes, no trailing television cameras. Out of view of the press, Trump warmly greets everyone he sees, asks how they are, and, when he can, asks for their names and what they do.Trump behandelt Mitmenschen auch (oder gerade) dann als Mitmenschen, wenn keine Kameras anwesend sind.
(Quelle: Salena Zito ebenda)
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