Dienstag, 10. Juni 2008
stinkende Illegalität (2)
Vor ca. 7 Monaten stand hier was zum Thema "Hunde im Einsatz gegen Raubkopierer" - Hunde können offenbar DVDs und CDs riechen (mehr).

Nun aber dies (gefunden bei fefe):
Manny, one half of the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry's canine unit specially trained to sniff out pirated CDs, has died. Manny died about a week ago.

[Manny (pale yellow) and Paddy (black) were from the Anti Piracy K-9 Unit trained to detect pirated optical discs.]

The year-old male Labrador retriever from Northern Ireland arrived in Malaysia with Paddy in mid-February and the two had yet to start work officially.

On whether pirated CD syndicates had anything to do with Manny's death, Roslan said: "He had not started work yet so I doubt that there was anyone who wanted to harm him."
They were trained to smell chemicals used in the production of CDs and although they could not distinguish genuine CDs from pirated ones, they were to help enforcement teams sniff out hidden discs.

The dogs were given to the ministry by the Motion Picture Association of America, which reportedly spent RM74,500 to buy them....
(Quelle: The New Strait Times Malaysia)
74.500 malaysische Ringgit (welch ein Name - man assoziiert automatisch mit "iggit") entsprechen derzeit ca. 14.488 € - vor einem halben Jahr kostete so ein Hund noch ca. 11.000 €.
Und Raubkopien erschnüffeln ist ein offenkundig gefährlicher Job - auch wenn hier die Gefahr wohl weniger von den Raubkopierern als vom tropischen Klima ausging:
Manny and Paddy had been kept at an undisclosed location since their arrival to adjust to the tropical climate.
(Quelle wie oben)
Im Raubkopierer-Geschäft herrscht ein heißes Klima...

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