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South Carolina's attorney general has notified the U.S. Justice Department of potential voter fraud.Auch nett: "... analysis by the Department of Motor Vehicles ..."
Attorney General Alan Wilson sent details of an analysis by the Department of Motor Vehicles to U.S. Attorney Bill Nettles.
In a letter dated Thursday, Wilson says the analysis found 953 ballots cast by voters listed as dead. In 71 percent of those cases, ballots were cast between two months and 76 months after the people died. That means they "voted" up to 6 1/3 years after their death.
The letter doesn't say in which elections the ballots were cast.
(Quelle: WTOC.com, ein Fernsehsender aus Georgia/South Carolina)
In the United States of America, a department of motor vehicles (DMV) is a state-level government agency that administers vehicle registration and driver licensing.Das Straßenverkehrsamt in den USA ist mangels Einwohnermeldeamt vermutlich die einzige Behörde in den USA, die die notwendigen Infos über Leben und Tod von Wählern/Autofahrern hat.
(Quelle: engl. Wikipedia)
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