Sonntag, 31. Juli 2005
Update 15.9.2005:
Warum man nix mehr sieht?
    "...FAQ: Why can't I see a strip older than 30 days?
    Only our Comics Extra and Comics Extra Gold subscribers can read strips that are older than 30 days...
    (Quelle: FAQ bei
Und verlinken hätte man Dilbert wahrscheinlich auch nicht gedurft ...
    FAQ: I want to link to your site using a graphic. Is it okay?
    Please do not use any material from on your Website other than the official link icons. Taking material from our Website and displaying it on your Web page without our permission violates United Media's copyrights. Please do not use any comic strips or panels, graphics, or text without our approval. You can download an official icon and use it as a link to our site and provide your readers with access to the comics. We also provide cursors and wallpapers from your favorite strips for your personal enjoyment, but like the official icons we ask that you do not copy or make other uses of them...
    (Quelle: FAQ bei
Varzil weist dezent darauf hin, dass die Cartoons bei stehen ( und nicht bei

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