Dienstag, 30. August 2005
Und sie bewegt sich doch
Das Zölibat ist für katholische Geistliche Pflicht. Punkt. Das klingt absolut unbeweglich und ist auch so gemeint. Aber keine Regel ohne Ausnahme:
    "...A Roman Catholic bishop on the Spanish island of Tenerife has ordained a man as a Catholic priest despite the fact that he is married with two children.

    The 64-year-old former Anglican pastor, David Gliwitzki, was ordained in La Laguna on the Canary Island.

    The Bishop of Tenerife said the move was a unique exception within the Spanish Church. According to Church rules, priests are supposed to be celibate. But the ordination was approved by the Pope.
    Father Gliwitzki is originally from Zimbabwe. Before moving to Spain, he was part of an Anglican delegation to the Vatican in Rome, which aimed to forge stronger ties between the two Churches.

    The Bishop of Tenerife says particular consideration was given to Father Gliwitzki's circumstances as an Anglican, which is a Church that permits priests to marry. The bishop says this is not a step towards the abolition of Roman Catholic celibacy. (Quelle: BBC)
Teneriffa: eine schöne Urlaubsgegend und eine "heile" Welt, in der die (dort tief-konservative) Kirche noch über ihren Schatten springen kann.

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